October 7, 2018

The Problem Isn't That We Didn't Speak Up

I've been re-listening to the forum videos and one of the things that kindof pops out is the incumbents surprise that the candidates are criticizing the Poway Road Specific Plan. I heard John Mullin (and other candidates) state that there were many meetings over several years, and then ask why we didn't speak up back then.  Well, Mr Mullin, and Mr Grosch and Mr Vaus, we DID speak up then. We filled out sticky papers with our concerns and posted them along with many others, but when they staff compiled them into a report, our concerns weren't addressed.  By the time the final PRSP meetings were held, the developers were attending the meetings and those were the voices that were listened to, not ours.  The plan was changed to accommodate them, not us.

The problem is not that we don't speak up. The problem is that we are not listened to. Let me give another example. At the August 21, 2018 council meeting, newly appointed councilmember Caylin Frank proposed that the City buy the Metate parcel from the developer and make it into a park.  Four speakers addressed the council in opposition to this plan which they viewed as bailing out the developer. No speakers spoke in favor of the proposal. The council did not listen to the speakers. Without even taking a vote, Mayor Vaus decided to follow through with Caylin Frank's proposal and have the staff look into buying the site from the developer who tried to get it rezoned.

On September 19, 2018, a closed session was held between the city and the developer for property negotiations.  There has been no known purchase agreed upon, but there has been no notice that negotiations are closed either.

In addition to the speakers who were in opposition, I wrote a letter  to the council and submitted it before the August 21, 2018 meeting. My letter was also in opposition to the City's purchase of the Metate parcel from the developer. In my letter I asked the Council to address 4 issues related to the Metate parcel- 1) why wasn't the larger part of the Metate parcel deeded to the city after the lot split 2) why weren't the open space easements properly recorded and what does the City need to do to get them properly recorded on both Metate parcels 3) why doesn't the City's GIS site show that these parcels are part of the South Poway Cornerstone? and 4) how is it that the developer said he talked to the City and that the City told him there were no constraints to development when there is a long written history of constraints?  

It has been almost 8 weeks since I sent that letter. I have heard nothing back from the city manager, any member of the city staff or any council member. It isn't that people do not speak up about issues. Some people do speak up, but they are ignored.

I've heard the incumbent council members claiming they are the most accessible council ever.  They are all up for having a chat over a cup of coffee. I've had chats over coffee with council members. They smile and look concerned and DO NOTHING.  One of the reasons I formed the South Poway Votes facebook group is because I hoped our voices might be heard if we were "out there" in a more public way.  Maybe we will be heard if together we were a little louder.  But, instead of listening to us, or even acknowledging our concerns, they councilmebers responded by becoming  more entrenched, combative and defensive.  Reports came back to me that councilmembers were warning people to stay away from SPV, and not to associate with me.  All of the  incumbent candidates were invited to answer SPVs weekly questionnaire. All declined to participate, except John Mullin who answered one question and then dropped out. Yet, every  Councilmember candidate answered GVCA's  questionnaire.  Why do the incumbents want to answer our queries in private, but they are willing to answer GVCA's in public?

I want to take the moment to thank those candidates who were willing to answer SPV candidate questions. Thank you for acknowledging that our input and concerns are legitimate and that those of us who live in South Poway are an important and valid part of this community.  Hopefully, if you are elected, you will not forget this.

Oh, and to the incumbents who are still boasting about your accessibility and responsiveness, I'm still waiting for a response to my letter.

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